
  • Custom Short URL Generator

    UMKC School of Law URL ShortnerHaving a short URL generator was among the features I planned to implement for the University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Law website. However, I didn’t anticipate the high number of requests I received for this service. In 2016, I decided to dedicate the built-in URL shortner feature in the website (WordPress plugin) to internal links within the website. Links to sub-categories or articles that the default URL will be too long to easily remember. In addition I installed an open source URL Shortner platform on a different server with a new domain name For this platform I used YOURLS, an open source PHP and MySQL based application to create short urls. This application is accessible through the web interface and also through plugins for Chrome and Firefox browsers. It is now available for staff and faculty, and it has been used to generate short urls for events, RSVP forms, scholarship applications, and other temporary links.

  • Revolutionizing Access to Justice: The Role of AI-Powered Chatbots and Retrieval-Augmented Generation in Legal Self-Help

    Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) present numerous opportunities to routinize and make the law more accessible to self-represented litigants, notably through AI chatbots employing natural language processing for conversational interactions. These chatbots exhibit legal reasoning abilities without explicit training on legal-specific datasets. However, they face challenges processing less common and more specific knowledge from their training data. Additionally, once trained, their static status makes them susceptible to knowledge obsolescence over time. This article explores the application of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to enhance chatbot accuracy, drawing insights from a real-world implementation developed for a court system to support self-help litigants.


  • Attendance System That Works - Converting Critics to Champions

    UMKC Attendance App

    Several years ago, I was introduced to a home-grown mobile application that allowed students to check in to classes and allowed instructors to keep track of attendance in a paperless format. The application back then had horrible reviews and no further efforts were made to improve it.

    Recently, due to staffing changes among other things, I was asked to figure out a better way to manage attendance for the law school. Per the American Bar Association standards, regular class attendance is required as a condition for receiving course credit. So, having a good attendance tracking process is a necessity for law schools.

    There are several off-the-shelve products to manage attendance. Some of them are embedded with learning management systems. Others are stand-alone programs. But none of them answered all our needs:

    • Allow self-checking,
    • Allow support staff to manage classes,
    • Generate real-time attendance reports,
    • Little or no maintenance is required,
    • And finally, a system that can also work for those who prefer to take attendance on paper.

    Instead of investing in a commercial solution that might not work well for us, I decided to bring the existing application and work with the original developers to improve it.

    In the first semester we used the new attendance system, it was a disaster. It was buggy. Attendance records were inaccurate. We were spending more time recording attendance using the application than we did with paper. Overall, it was not going to work and something needed to be done. Purchasing an existing solution was out of the question. Our only solution was to fix what we have.

    With the support of my Dean and the original development team, we dedicated two improvement sprints to fix the existing issues and add much-needed improvements.

    As of this time, we have a functional system and I haven’t heard a single complaint.

    The Attendance App development by UMKC IS team is composed of two platforms. A dedicated mobile application is available for Apple iOS and Google Android that students can use to check in to classes as well as check their attendance history. And an online platform that allows instructors and authorized users to manage their class and track attendance.

    Most of the work was done on the online platform and so far we have been able to accomplish the following:

    • Custom check-in time for classes.
    • Possibility to cancel a class time or add a new one.
    • Possibility to set a maximum number of absences allowed and send email notification when a student reaches that number and another email when they pass it.
    • Possibility to update attendance records in bulk.
    • Classes and users are synchronized daily with the campus registrar system.
    • Quick preview of total absences for the entire class.
    • Detailed report of attendance for each student.
    • The overall report of attendance for all students and all classes (available only to the Deans).

    In the future, we hope to be able to add additional improvements such as adding a class roster and a seating chart.

    What made this project challenging and also exciting is that changes were made in real-time. For some, the process was stressful, and opted out of the real-time tracking features.  to Others were more engaged with the process and didn’t hesitate to share their feedback with the developing team.

    One thing for sure is that users appreciate when they are consulted and given the opportunity to participate in the development of solutions that they (alone) will be using. This strategy allowed me to convert the most critical members to champions knowing they can trust me on making sure their needs and concerns are being met.

  • Being (law) technology competent

    technology competence

    The following is a summary of a continuing legal education class on ethics of law and technology I was invited to co-present:

    Lawyers (in the US) are bounded by the rules of the American Bar Association known as ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. They prescribe the standards of legal ethics and professional responsibilities for lawyers such as conflict of interest, fees, confidentiality, scope of representation , and of course competence (Rule 1.1.)

    In the past, lawyers were evaluated on their competency based on their experience and knowledge of the substance of the law in their practice areas. As technology evolved, so did the rules and the scope of competency.

    In 2012, the ABA modified Rule 1.1 to require lawyers to stay abreast of changes in the law and its practice including the benefits and the risks associated with relevant technologies. As of 2019, 36 states adopted the ABA section regarding the need for lawyers to maintain their technology competency.

    While the Model Rules do not require lawyers to be technological experts, all lawyers are required to have at least a basic understanding of technologies they and their clients use.

    Furthermore, lawyers should differentiate between technology-related security measures that are ethically required and security measures that are merely considered best practices.

    Being hang-up on best practices, may result in unnecessary expenses that will be passed on to clients or worse, decide to abandon the idea of adopting new technologies that can potentially improve processes and provide better services to clients.

    My reasoning is based on my personal experience talking to lawyers and other professionals on this topic. The common example I hear is the use of encrypted emails. Email is the less secured mean of communication and best practices is to avoid using it when sending sensitive information. One solution to mitigate this risk is to install an encryption system to secure the transfer of messages and eliminate the risk of having them intercepted in the process. However, email encryption is a complicated process and constitute a huge inconvenience that most people either not use email for this purpose at all or use it and shift the risk to the client through disclaimers as an example.

    This is where training and staying abreast with changes in technologies become necessary. In the past years, several secure and affordable alternatives became available to allow users to engage in secured communications without breaking the bank while still having an pleasant experience.

    There are several ways lawyers can learn about new technology trends and learning opportunities. The most common ones is to check continuing education programs offered by community colleges and schools. They often provide programs focused on one subject over a short period of time. They are also tailored toward adult learners making the material practical and less overwhelming. Public libraries are another place where learning about technology take place. In addition to regular technology workshops, some libraries provide access to dedicated online training programs such as LinkedIn Learn (formerly as part of their free resources.

    The ABA TECHREPORT is another place to learn about technology trends in the legal field and what other lawyers are using or lacking for that matter. The report is published annually and provide analysis of the ABA Legal Technology Survey as well as some valuable recommendations.

    Finally, we live in age of Youtube tutorials and DIY attitude. If you have a question about how to (fill in the bank), someone else probably published a step-by-step guide on how to do it online. With simple search techniques and ability to quickly identify relevant content out of the noise, you should be able to teach yourself anything you want.

    I find this topic very fascinating and I‘m glad I had the opportunity to share what I know. I you are a lawyer, I have one advise for you. You need to up your game on technology competency, for your sake and, even more so, for the sake of your clients.

  • Collaborating Across Disciplines and Schools to Bridge the Justice Gap with Legal Technology

    CALICon. June 16, 2022

    Lessons Learned: Developing Protection Order Portals

    Description: This presentation highlights the innovative projects and cross-disciplinary collaboration of the Legal Technology Laboratory (LTL), a Kauffman Foundation-supported initiative. The LTL brings together law school faculty, students, and innovators from diverse fields to develop technology-assisted solutions and data-driven policy for social, civic, and economic development challenges in the legal industry.

    The speaker will update the audience on the progress of LTL's portfolio, which comprises over a dozen projects with project leaders from 11 universities' law schools and participation from 15 additional academic institutions, industry collaborators, and organizations. Attendees will learn how to benefit from LTL's cross-disciplinary and school collaboration and resources, enabling law students and faculty to work with other innovators to bridge the justice gap through legal technology.


    • Barbara Glesner Fines. Dean & Rubey M. Hulen Professor of Law

    The information provided in this presentation is for educational purposes only. The opinions expressed in this presentation and on the following slides are solely those of the presenters and not necessarily those of our clients and partners.

  • E-Textbooks for law school

    My e-textbook and note-taking setup
    My e-textbook and note-taking setup

     When it comes to textbooks, law students are in a big disadvantage. Law textbooks are expensive. In one semester, a law student can easily spend well over a thousand Dollars in required textbooks alone. The frustration is even worst, when a book is rarely if ever used in class.

    Some students opt to rent a textbook which is cheaper than buying new or even a used copy. This is a wise choice knowing that after the exam, most textbooks (especially casebooks) are pretty useless. However, for classes that spread over two semesters, renting a book will cost the same as buying a new copy.

    Some books can be purchased used if you are lucky enough to be able to use an older edition for your class. However, it's hard to get a used book without any marking or highlighting.

    Finally, some student organizations also collect donated books and make them available to students for free or at a very low price.

    However, another option that few students are aware of is to buy e-textbooks. A Civil Procedure book, for example, from West Academic Publishing (west) costs $261 and comes with the print book, a lifetime digital access to a downloadable eBook, a 12-month online access to self-assessment quizzes, study aids, Gilbert® Law Dictionary, audio lectures, and an outline starter. For $195.75, you can get the whole package minus the print book. Same book new on Amazon costs $236.99 but it doesn't come with any of the other resources provided by the publisher.

    So, having the eBook format not only will save you money, it also comes with additional resources to supplement the lecture.

    I have been using the e-textbooks from West exclusively for my classes and so far, I like it.

    In general, I prefer to read eBooks rather than paper-based books. It's more efficient. I can take notes, highlight, search, and I can print if I have to. My current setup is to have Microsoft OneNote and my e-textbook side-by-side. I can read and follow the discussion during the class, while reviewing and taking notes. Switching between books is easy as switching between tabs. And my footprint is limited to my computer.

    However, West eBook viewer is based on an outdated open source Flash library from the year 2007 called Yahoo! Astra. It looks and feels like a 2007 website. It's slow, non-responsive, won't load on modern mobile devices, and is missing many of the features you would expect in any modern eBook viewer.

    But this lack of features and flexibility is not limited to West Academic Publishing. Many vendors are developing their own digital rights management (DRM) methods to control access to their resources. This is perhaps the biggest concerns for the eBook industry and the main reason while we still don't have an eBook standard that allows for the interoperability of eBooks independently of software and hardware.

    So sticking to a paper-based textbook is not a bad idea after all. If you can swallow the cost and support the heavy weight of the books, you won't have to deal with DRM and the non-standardization of eBooks.

    Final note: the issue with eBooks is not limited to academic resources. If you are engaged in leisure-reading, you will face the same limitation. If you buy an eBook from Amazon, you are stuck with a MOBI file that only works on an Amazon Kindle device. Same if you buy from other providers. However, the cost for academic books is outrageously expensive. Perhaps it is time to seriously push for Open Educational Resources.

  • Electronic Portfolios

    Cheryl Hom PortfolioElectronic portfolios are a great way to engage students in an active learning process by giving them the opportunity to gather, record, and reflect on their own work. The value of portfolios goes beyond the classroom as they can also

    be used to help students during the transition between education and employment.

    At the UMKC School of Law, I introduced video-based portfolios to graduating students as a portable solution to gather and share their work at the school with potential employers. I used Mediasite by Sonic Foundry as platform. Each portfolio starts by a video where the students introduce themselves and talk about their goals. The portfolios include video clips from class exercises, competitions, testimonials as well as links to other materials and relevant work.

    Example: Cheryl Hom - UMKC School of Law

  • Empowering Self-Represented Litigants: Navigating Legal Matters with Short Animated Videos

    Courts frequently produce and share informative online videos, which come in various forms. Some are instructional, guiding viewers on using e-filing systems, preparing for trials, and adhering to court procedures. Others take the form of longer webinars or introductions to the judicial system, typically delivered by judges.

    While the creators have been considerate of accommodating both visual and auditory learning preferences, these videos often suffer from excessive length and detail. With the growing number of smartphone users and those seeking on-demand content, an alternative approach emerges: crafting shorter videos, potentially organized by specific topics, allowing courts to dissect complex processes into more digestible segments.

    Another viable approach involves the production of concise, animated videos featuring computer-generated illustrations. These animated videos excel at simplifying intricate processes, making them easily understandable.

    We adopted the latter approach, creating over 20 brief animated video clips that elucidate various legal matters, including service, name changes, divorce, custody, expungement, and more. These videos employ straightforward language in their narrations and incorporate an abundance of visual aids to assist viewers. Our voice-over artists breathed life into these videos with their friendly and professional narration.

    We are delighted to observe the widespread sharing of these videos through the Nevada Self-Help website and other platforms. To date, they have garnered over 1000 views, and we anticipate that many more self-represented litigants will find them valuable and informative.

    Here are some examples:

    This is another example where we created a 3D animated character "spongey" which was designed by Sydney Ragsdale for the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law Expungement Clinic.

    You can watch more here:

  • Ethical Use of AI in Law Practice

    This session is on the ethical use of generative AI in the legal field. This presentation delves into the foundational concepts of AI, its applications in legal practice, and a demonstration of an AI-powered chatbot that searches, synthesizes, translates, and cites court-approved self-help resources, all while addressing key ethical considerations.

    Learning Objectives:
    • Explore the ethical challenges and opportunities of using generative AI in legal practice.
    • Understand the role of bias in AI and how it impacts conversational chatbots.
    • Gain insights into mitigating bias and ensuring responsible implementation of AI tools like chatbots.
  • First-Party Data, the "Holy-Grail" for marketers

    Interview by Andre Hawkins (@andyjayhawk) - The Verge (9/26/2019)


    For Uber, increasing user engagement in their Mobile App is the key to a better return on investment.

    "We will be able to monetize it one way or another" says Uber CEO (1).

    In post General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) era, marketers are struggling to make use of third-party data pushing the first and second-party data adoption to new heights. Under GDPR, companies are required to gain explicit consent from their customers to collect and share their personal information. Third-party data is aggregated from various sources bought and sold on data exchange markets. Often buyers of third-party data have no means to verify how the data has been collected, and if the consent was obtained making it useless for any legitimate use.

    Second-party data, on the other hand, is obtained from the collectors directly making it transparent and secure. In 2018, LOTAME, a data management platform, registered a 460% growth in second-party data adoption globally (2). 

    But, first-party data is regarded as the "Holy-Grail" for marketers:

    "First party data is defined as data that your company has collected directly from your audience -- made up of customers, site visitors, and social media followers. "First party" refers to the party that collected the data firsthand to use for re-targeting." Lotame (3).

    As explained by Uber's CEO, the pure quality of data allows companies to better understand their customers and eventually achieve a stronger return on investment (ROI). With machine learning and predictive analytics, companies are now able to predict their customers' patterns and personalize content and advertisements.

    In 2019, the average U.S. adult will spend 2 hours and 55 minutes per day on their smartphone (4). The more time you spend in an app, the faster the machine will learn about your online behavior.

    While the GDPR and the soon to take effect California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) aims to protect the right of consumers to freely navigate the web without being followed and harassed by unsolicited advertisements, no regulation is in place yet to control or limit the use of data "consensually " obtained. After all, Cambridge Analytica didn't break any laws by harvesting the personal data of millions of Facebook users. Using complex terms of use, companies are free to aggregate, track, and make sense of their users' digital interactions to increase their ROI. Their excuse is that it is the "right thing to do" in order to provide better services to consumers.

    On the other hand, policymakers are now looking at ways to curb design techniques responsible for the proliferation of technology addiction and its harmful consequences among users. In July 2019, Senator Hawley of Missouri introduced a bill to do just that (5). The bill referred to as the ‘‘Social Media Addiction Reduction Technology Act’’ or ‘‘SMART Act’’, if enacted, will prevent social media companies from using techniques such as infinite scroll and autoplay. It will also force companies to proactively limit the time users spend on their apps and be more transparent about their usage.

    It is without a doubt that the time has come for technology companies to join forces with regulators and privacy advocates to find better ways to collect, use, and share data in a responsible manner.









  • Generative AI for Solo & Small Firms: Enhancing Legal Practice Responsibly - Webinar


    Organized by the Center for Law, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation at UMKC School of Law, this three-hour CLE webinar aims to empower attorneys to leverage generative artificial intelligence to better serve their clients and communities. Join us to learn how to use AI responsibly, exploring its foundational concepts, practical applications in legal practice, and real-world product demonstrations.

    • 1:30 p.m. Webcast Access
    • 2:00 p.m. Understanding How to Use Generative AI in a Legal Practice: Foundation and Responsible Implementation
    • 2:50 p.m. Break
    • 3:00 p.m. Integrating Generative AI into Your Practice: Practical Strategies and Benefits
    • 3:50 p.m. Break
    • 4:00 p.m. Hands-On: Product Demonstrations and Future Possibilities
    • 4:50 p.m. Adjourn
  • Guide to TCC E-books

    This guide was first designed to assist students, staff, and faculty members of Tarrant County College District (Texas) using the library's e-book collection. In its second version (2013), it provides further details and tips on how to access public domain e-books as well as DRM-free e-books available online.
    The guide also features illustrated tutorials as well as video tutorials on how to get more out of your iPad, Nook Color, and Kindle Fire devices by using third-party applications and independent e-book providers.
    The guide is available as a LibGuide (HTML), EPUB ebook, and MOBI ebook.

  • Introducing the Missouri Expungement Tools

    This session highlights the development and implementation of the Missouri Expungement Tools, the product of a more significant effort by the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Law's Clear My Record project. These tools are now housed under the center for Law, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation to make them available to the public either directly as a self-help tool or as part of a suite of services to support attorneys and legal service providers throughout the states.

    These tools include solutions for better data presentation, a DIY tool for individuals seeking expungement of "simple" cases, and a one-stop solution for attorneys to streamline expungement cases.

    Learning Objectives:

    1. Learn about the opportunities and challenges of providing expungement services in Missouri.
    2. Gain insights into the development of the Missouri Expungement Tools.
    3. Learn about the opportunities to use and be involved in these efforts.
  • KS POP Celebrating Three Years of Tech-Driven Justice for All

    This article explores the development and impact of the Kansas Protection Order Portal (KS POP), highlighting the vital role of law librarians in the portal's design and implementation. The article showcases how KS POP has streamlined the legal process for domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking victims in Kansas, marking a significant advancement in accessible legal support and serving as a model for future innovations in the justice system.


  • Law Library Recording Studio

    UMKC Law Library Recording Studio

    Not many libraries have recording studios. But what makes this one special, is that it was a DIY project completed by a dedicated team at UMKC Law Library. Together we were able to convert a plain study room into a functional recording studio open to students, staff, and the community. In six months, the studio was used 44 times to record video interviews and class assignments, conduct video calls and conferences, capture lectures and take makeup exams.

    In total we spent less than $3,000 to rehab the space, build sound proofing panels, and purchase audio, video, and lighting equipment.

  • Lawyers and AI Technology: Platform, Security, and Ethics

    Missouri Bar Annual Meeting – Young Lawyer Session (September 13, 2023)

    Lawyers and AI technology – platforms lawyers can use in their practice, security and risk awareness


    • Cody R. Weyhofen, Seigfreid Bingham PC, Kansas City

    Disclaimer: The information provided in this presentation is for educational purposes only. The opinions expressed in this presentation and on the following slides are solely those of the presenters and not necessarily those of our clients and partners.

  • Learn Exactly How to Build a Fully Automated Online Client Intake Form

    This presentation was offered as a CLE Webinar in May 2020. It is available on-demand from UMKC School of Law CLE. The slides and associated material is available below.


    The Coronavirus pandemic has forced many attorneys to work from home. Whether you were already planning to automate some aspects for your practice or you are jut considering this option now, this webinar will help you build a reliable and secure client intake system.

    This webinar will explore JotForm as an online client Intake form and automation solution applied to legal service practices. An online client intake form helps prevent important information from being overlooked and cuts down dramatically on data entry and document management.

    Learning objectives:

    • Overview of JotForm
    • Understanding the form elements
    • Third-party widgets
    • Conditional logic
    • Email notifications
    • Third-party platforms integration
    • Publishing a form
    • Managing reports
    • The mobile application




  • Legal Technology Competency - Mid-America Association of Law Libraries (MAALL)

    Legal Technology Competency: Helping Achieve Those Minimums.

    Mid-America Association of Law Libraries (MAALL) - October 14, 2023


    • Artie Berns, Southern Illinois University
    • Darla Jackson, University of Tulsa
  • Moustaqbal Mdinti

    Moustaqbal Mdinti Project was an online coverage of the legislative election of Morocco in 2007.

    With Guelzim Abdellatif, we have produced 66 short videos with students, artists, scholars, political leaders, human right activists, lawyers. Our main question was: “what are your expectations from the upcoming elections?”

    The project was successful and has been widely covered by national and international media. Click here to visit the website. Press archive: newspapers, online, TV, Radio

  • Open Source Case Management System for Law School Clinics

    Open Source Case Management System for Law School ClinicsThe push for experiential learning among law schools brought a new set of challenges for faculty and administrators. In a family law clinic for example, law students are asked to collect, process, and securely preserve confidential information. Faculty are expected to effectively assign cases, securely communicate with their clients, and have an effective way to measure and assess the overall operation and productivity of their clinics.

    My goal is to build a comprehensive and open source case management system for law school clinics that will increase customer satisfaction, provide students with a complete hands-on-experience, and allow faculty and administrators to make informed decisions.