The new UMKC School of Law website became available to the public in January 2014. I started working on this project on September 2013 along with the Communication Director and two student assistants.
The new website was built on a WordPress platform and a customized template from Rockettheme. It runs several additional plugins and is also linked to other third party services.
The new website came as a replacement of the old one which was a collection of hundreds of static HTML pages that have grown tremendously over the years which made the navigation harder for anyone looking for any information about the School of Law.
In 2013 the UMKC School of Law launched its Intranet based on a customized distribution of SharePoint. The Intranet became the main communication tool for everything related to current students as well as day to day events and business of the school. This strategic change allows the new website to become a marketing tool focused on external users only. The main sections of the website are now tailored toward Prospective Student, Professional Development, Alumni & Friends, and Public Patron Services from the Library.
Among the new functionalities added to the website are:
- Responsive design allowing the website to accommodate any type of screen resolutions or devices.
- Searchable Directory for faculty, staff and emissary students.
- Featured Faculty section which displays random publications from our faculty.
- Searchable Subscription Databases directory.
- Searchable FAQ.
- Integration with Twitter feed and Trumba calendar try this site.
- Internal Search Engine.